Savory Sweet Potato Toast

Sweet potatoes are under appreciated and under utilized in meals. Incorporate them into your breakfast (or lunch) with this savory sweet potato toast recipe. With the option to tweak the recipe for a sweet tooth, this filling, nutritious, and cruelty free meal won’t disappoint.

Sustainability Spotlight: Tim Bennett

Did you know that the average person throws away 1600 pounds of garbage a year? On the other hand, Philly residents who compost with Bennett Compost throw away half of that. Most uneaten food rots in landfills where it accounts for almost 25% of US methane emissions (a nasty greenhouse gas). Only about 3% of food scraps in the U.S. are composted, and we encourage you to change this statistic using a company like Bennett to do so. Tim Bennett believes that people, in general, want to do the right thing and his company makes it easy for you to put those values into practice. The best part? You can get a month of this incredible service for FREE- remember to mention that Sustainable Millennial referred you when you sign up ;)

Sustainability Spotlight: Taylor Berghane

Taylor is a Sustainable Millennial who is part of the team at Pine Outfitters. This is a lifestyle outerwear brand dedicated to saving the environment for those who want to live outside of the norm. For every product sold, a tree is planted through the National Forest Foundation, AND each shirt is comprised of 5 recycled plastic bottles. Taylor “Embraces the Wild Side” with Pine, and in his daily life as an entrepreneur living in New York City.

Sustainability Spotlight: Julia Campanelli

Julia was a stressed out Technology Consultant living in D.C. One night, she had a dream that changed her life. She has since packed her life into a backpack, and moved to Indonesia, where she is doing yoga, scuba diving, and learning more about the earth around her in these beautiful places. Julia has seen first-hand the impacts of our consumption habits in the deep of the ocean in these remote places. Plunge into this week’s spotlight.